Bought this laptop at micro centet electronics. Loved it first few days then the WiFi started dropping signal randomly. Tried a bunch of software fixes all without success. Read the threads at Acer product support. These laptops have a major wifi hardware problem.
B. Grant (USA) :
This laptop had a lot of potential, but it fell well short, whenever you put the laptop in airplane mode and shut off the WiFi, after you take it out of airplane mode it will not see any wifi networks or connect on its own, it will only connect after you run the troubleshooting program. The other issue is the FAN, it sounds like a jet fighter in afterburner whenever your running video, the FAN is tooooo loud. If you need an 11.6 maybe look at the Mac 11.6. This laptop does come some nice accessories, "Bluetooth Mouse, extended battery, USB Ethernet adapter, USB video adapter.
J. S. Adams "customer" (Nevada, USA) :
In the future they will have larger SSD drives, faster and less power hungry processors, more RAM memory, batteries that last longer and cost less but they probably won't be any prettier, lighter or smaller. If you just can't wait and want an ultraportable with touch now, this is one to seriously consider.
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